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Hey guys, it's Doctor TNT...AGAIN! Well this is it guys, we're shutting down. Why? Well several reasons actually. One is I have been getting no help from my co-web master nWo kraut who was hit with the tri-noble virus a couple weeks ago and is still in the process of re-building. Another reason is I am running my own successful e-fed and that leaves little time for this. But the main reason is that WCW has killed off the nWo wolfpack! I mean, look at the state it is in now...Scott Steiner is the only heel in the group (now factoring in his brother Rick), Kevin Nash is the biggest tweener is the sport(bad guy who get's cheered), Luger is out with an injury, Hall get's good for a while but then get's drunk off his ass and does something stupid, Buff FAGwell is out of the Pac, Disco is....where is Disco??...and finally Hogan is out with a knee injury. I love giving my opinions and doing the collages and such, but WCW has given me no one to root for! Don't get me wrong though, I do enjoy watching WCW alot more now than I did a few months ago. But I am just kinda watching it from a spectator's POV right now. I don't feel comfortable rooting for the heel Page, and whenever heel Flair fights his tits jiggle everywhere and it is very distracting. So basically it's over for The Site that Hollywood Built. We got fairly decent traffic of about 10-15 guys a day on average. So thanks to you loyal people. Enjoy the multimedia that is still on this site, and I will do one final Winner and Loser of the week.... By the way, I was at Slamboree on Sunday, and it was pretty good. Alot better than that shitty Nitro they threw at us back in December. While I was there I bought a sweet Hollywood Hogan bandana, to go along with my 'Raven' t-shirt. I really didn't no who to root for at the show, but it was funny(and gross) as hell when Flair got his tights pulled down...thank god it was just his ass hanging out! The Steiner Bro. re-formation was weird...I am afraid BPP is going to have to carry the team, AGAIN! But one thing that pisses me off about WCW is that their wrestlers forgive each other way too easily. Wasn't Macho and DDP feuding just a few months ago? They absoulutely HATED each other, now Savage is helping him...and for what? Is Macho trying to get himself over as a heel or a face? I have no idea...Other examples of forgotten hatred is: Raven and Saturn, and Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner. Well guys this is the last time I talk with you, *tear falls down* but you can keep up with me in my fed by going to...